Matrimony Marriage By AppointmentIt is the policy of this parish that marriages need to be booked at least six months in advance. It is the official policy of the Catholic Church that couples intending to celebrate their marriage in this community participate in formal Pre-marriage Education.(There is a common marriage...
Anointing of the sick
Anointing of the sick In the past it was called “Extreme Unction”, because it was understood as a spiritual comfort in the face of imminent death. To speak instead of the “Anointing of the Sick” helps us broaden our vision to include the experience of illness and suffering, within the...
Confirmation Together with Baptism and the Eucharist, Confirmation forms a single saving event - called "Christian initiation" - in which we are inserted into Jesus Christ, who died and rose, and become new creatures and members of the Church.For this reason, it is important to take care that our children, our...
Holy Communion
Holy Communion The Eucharist is at the heart of “Christian initiation”, together with Baptism and Confirmation, and it constitutes the source of the Church’s life itself. From this Sacrament of love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion and of witness.First Communion at Our Lady of the...
Reconcilliation Through the Sacraments of Christian Initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist — man receives new life in Christ. Now, we all know that we carry this life “in earthen vessels” (2 Cor 4:7), we are still subject to temptation, suffering, and death and, because of sin, we may...
Baptism Baptism is not a formality - It is the Sacrament on which our very faith is founded, and which grafts us as a living member onto Christ and his Church. Together with the Eucharist and Confirmation it forms what is known as "Christian initiation", like one great sacramental event...
Apostles of the Divine Mercy
We are the Apostles of the Divine Mercy. We are a group devoted to fostering Jesus Christ's message of Divine Mercy as revealed to St Faustina, His Apostle of Mercy. We strive to live by this message by trusting in Jesus and showing mercy to others. We invite you to come...
I give you all my fears
Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in the Naperville Central...