Stewardship & Planned Giving
“Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver an inheritance of faith and love for us, our children and for our children’s children.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Cheerfully Growing Planned Giving
Welcome to Our Lady of the Angels parish, where our church represents more than just a physical space. It serves as a symbol of support, growth, and hope for our community. We believe it is crucial to ensure its sustainability for future generations.
Planned Giving is a powerful way to demonstrate our commitment to the values that unite us as followers of Christ. By sowing the seeds of faith, compassion, and generosity through planned giving, we can make a lasting impact both now and when we are called back to our Lord.
The act of offering has been central to worship since the beginning. Just like Abel offered his best sheep as an oblation to God in the Garden of Eden, we can give from our own necessities with faith.
But you may wonder why Planned Giving is necessary. As stewards of the blessings bestowed upon us, we have a responsibility that goes beyond our own lifetimes. Planned Giving allows us to leave a sustainable legacy of faith and love for ourselves, our children, and generations to come. In Philippians Chapter 4, Paul describes offering as “a fragrant sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God,” reassuring us that He will provide for all our needs.
This is a call-to-action for all parishioners to envision the collective impact their contributions can have on securing a vibrant future for our church. It invites each individual to reflect on their role in the journey of planned giving and seek divine blessings for its impact on the church’s future.
Join us in shaping the present and ensuring longevity for our beloved church
Our Vision
Our Lady of the Angels parishioners fervently envision building a timeless legacy of faith, love and community, inspiring generations to come with the enduring light of God’s grace.
Our Mission
Empowered by our unwavering faith and boundless love, our mission is to unite in nurturing a vibrant and enduring legacy for our church, our children and theirs thus enriching the lives of all who encompass its timeless embrace.
Our Goal
Our ardent aspiration is for every family to passionately pledge to consistent planned giving, forging a legacy of unwavering support and devotion to our beloved church of Our Lady of the Angels.
Our Objective
With fervent zeal and unwavering commitment, we are committed to expand the circle of families participating in Planned Giving from 17% to a remarkable 80%, consequently elevating our Planned Giving from a grateful $21,000 to a purposeful $47,700 per month, thus fostering a legacy of generosity and faith that resonates through the ages
Join Planned Giving
Affordable, consistent contributions can have a profound impact on our parish community.
Joining the OLA Planned Giving Progam is an easy, two-step process as follows:
Complete the Parish Census Form. If you haven’t already submitted your census form, you can do so by:
Completing the Online Census Form
Downloading the Census Form
and sending back to
Contribitions can be set up via the following options:
Direct Debit Form OR Credit Card Form OR Direct Credit Form
More Ways to Make a Difference
Volunteer Opportunities
Join our Fundraising Committee or lend your skills to support parish initiatives. Our diverse programs thrive thanks to the dedicated volunteers. Your involvement can make a meaningful difference.
Spread the Word
Share this call to action with your fellow parishioners and inspire collective efforts. Together, we can strengthen our community and further our mission
A Message from Father Carlos

Dear Friends in Christ
Stewardship means recognising that everything we have is a gift from God and that, ultimately, we take credit for nothing. Everything we have and everything we do is indeed a result of a gift that God has placed into our hands.
Stewardship is therefore returning a portion of our gifts to God. The gifts we return are our time, our talent and our treasure.
We have been blessed with a such a young, dynamic, and vibrant parish. The way our parish has been established and has grown is the result of God’s grace and the common effort of our community. Our congregation that was made up of a few people at the beginning has now grown into a full-fledged parish.
I ask each of you to prayerfully consider ways in which you can help relay to the young, to everyone, the torch of our faith, the love of Christ and His saving message. You might consider getting involved in the various church ministries, drawing on your talents and voluntary contribution of your time.
You might also wish to contribute financially through planned giving that will support the parish’s financial obligations (i.e loan), as well as to meet our running expenses. Jesus said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Thank you. May God bless you.
Fr Carlos