OLA Youth and Young Adults
We are the Our Lady of the Angels, Youth and Young Adults.
Our mission is to provide a vibrant environment for young people to discover, know and love God. We do this by:
• Building a community where young people can connect and be together along their faith journey.
• Creating opportunities for prayer and to encounter Jesus Christ in their daily lives.
• Equip and encourage young people to serve and lead others to God, and to grow to be who God created them to be.
Come and Join OLA Youth and Young Adults
Whether you are at school, university, starting your career or somewhere in between, you will be warmly welcomed at
OLA Youth and Young Adults. There are three groups as follows:
Angel’s Hangout for Grade 5-7
Meets every Friday of the school term from 3-5:30pm in the Parish Hall.
We have afternoon tea together, learn about our Faith with time for Adoration and have lots of fun playing games and sports.
Y-Factor for Grade 7-12
Meets every Sunday of the school term from 6:30-8:30pm in the Parish Hall.
We alternate weeks with Faith Formation and Activities (like sports or trivia). And of course there is always food and fellowship afterwards!
Y-Factor usually have one school holiday activity, which may be held at OLA or at another location.
Young Adults and Professionals
Meets every 4th Friday of the month from 6:45pm until approx. 9pm in the Meeting Room.We also meet every 1st Friday of the month from 7pm for the First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (includes: Mass, Adoration, Confession, Healing Procession), followed by dinner and fellowship afterwards.
Please contact: Mattheas or Pearlyn on 8883 4063 or via email youth@ourladyoftheangels.org.au to get involved.

Support our Ministry
If you are looking to support the OLA Youth and Young Adult Ministry, we welcome you.
Register your interest by downloading and completing this form: Expression of Interest to Volunteer
For more information please contact OLA Youth and Young Adult Coordinators:
Mattheas Noonan on 0449 062 900
Gabriela McWilliam on 0401 637 945
Or email: youth@ourladyoftheangels.org.au