Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical ministry is a special way get involved in our parish. Below are many ways you can bring your gifts & talents to the Mass.
Ministers of the Altar (Acolytes)
The Ministers of the Altar is instituted for service at the altar and to assist the Priest and Deacon. Duties are to principally prepare the altar and the sacred vessels and, if necessary, to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful as an extraordinary minister.
In the ministry of the altar, General Instruction of the Roman Missal must be carried out.
These instructions are found in the link: General Instruction of the Roman Missal ( A short course that is run through the Diocese, Office for Worship, is required to be completed to become a Minister of the Altar. Information about the Course will be provided to you upon your expression of interest in this Ministry.
A Reader is not merely a reciter. A Reader must make the Word of God come alive so that parishioners may grow in the Spirit.
When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people.
As Pope Francis says, “We find nourishment for our lives as we listen to the Old and the New Testaments proclaim the one mystery of Christ and call for our response. Drawing from the richness of the Church’s Lectionary, the Liturgy of the Word invites us to silent openness to God’s saving message as it resounds in the ecclesial assembly and continues God’s constant dialogue with his people, the Church“. That is why this ministry is very important.
To be able to be an effective reader, one must prepare well and ahead of time prior to the rostered slot. Guidelinea are provided to readers with detailed instructions for preparation and delivery. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Kate at the Parish office. Eileen Reyes will get in touch with you regarding the WhatsApp group for readers per mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministry is a ministry of service by lay people to distribute the Eucharist to Parishioners during the Mass. A short course through the Diocese, Office of Worship, is required to be completed to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. This ministry is a rewarding and generous giving of your time to bring reverence and respect to Holy Communion.
From time to time, Eucharistic Ministers may also be involved with giving the Eucharist to the sick, elderly or housebound.
Music Ministry
Musicians, both vocalists and instrumentalists, serve as the song leaders during Mass. The music ministry are involved in many ways in the liturgical life of our parish.
Get Involved
Everyone is welcome to join a Liturgical Ministry.
Register your interest by downloading and completing this form: Expression of Interest to Volunteer
If you have any further questions regarding our liturgical ministries, email at: